Plant Processing Technology in Greenhouse Horticulture

  • Inozemtsev G. B. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
  • Okushko A. V. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України
Keywords: technology, plant, greenhouse vegetable growing, processing, electrostatic method, the charging, the nutrient solution, the particle


The article deals with the technology of foliar application of plant nutrient solutions electrostatic techniques in greenhouse horticulture. Modern means on implementation and realization of such methods of especially foliar application, unfortunately, aren't rather effective and perfect methods. This is primarily driven by: insufficient quality of working fluids application, their drifting out from the green mass, an insufficient amount of its deposition on the leaves, the imperfection of the serial equipment, etc. All of this certainly prevents from getting the expected result, causes significant losses, environmental pollution, high labor intensity and the like. This situation is largely explained by the lack of scientifically-based engineering and technological solutions, methods of calculation and prediction of their operation in a wide range according to the agronomic requirements. Authors of this article offer the technology which can provide increase in flatness of sedimentation drops of nutritious solutions on the both sides of plant leaves’ surface, reduction of losses of solutions by 20 - 60% and as the result it will promote increase in productivity by 12 -15%. Obtaining such results is explained by features of an electrostatic method which is based on power interactions of electric field and the drops of nutritious solution. Thus, the article has an important theoretical and practical value.


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How to Cite
Inozemtsev, G. and Okushko, A. (2020) “Plant Processing Technology in Greenhouse Horticulture”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(7), pp. 36-39. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
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