Results of the study forms and nutritious options, switchgear pnevmohravitatsiynoho sunflower seeds Separator

  • Kolodly А. S. Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет, м. Мелітополь,
  • Kyurchev S. V. Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет, м. Мелітополь,
  • Melnik K. L. Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет, м. Мелітополь,
Keywords: separation, aspiration channel pnevmohravitatsiynyy separator, sunflower seeds


In this article analysis results of researches separation of seeds on distinction of aerodynamic characteristics of their components have been provided. By the analysis it was shown that the most perspective for improvement of quality and an intensification is process of separation in the lower zone of the vertical channel with lower unloading of the allocated fractions. Mathematical models of movement processes of seeds and "splitting" of their trajectories have been given. The complex mathematical model of movement of seeds taking into account coefficient of windage of each fraction (components) and restrictions of design data of a separator is developed for determination of the dividing capability and calculations of a pnevmogravitatsiyny separator. The model includes the mathematical description of processes of a material feed on the accomplice and movements of seeds along the accomplice's surface, also movements in an air flow taking into account their aerodynamic properties. Optimum parameters of the distributor which is executed in the form of an internal surface a torus by radius forming a circle 0,05m with a diameter of basis of 0,04 - 0,045 m which provide the best separation of seeds on fractions have been shown. By means of developed mathematical model of movement of "easy" and "heavy" fractions in the vertical air channel it was established that change of speed from the angle of giving of seeds in an air flow significantly influences the size of a deviation and splitting of trajectories of movement of two fractions. This speed determines efficiency of separation of fractions. Increase in efficiency of air separation when sorting seeds of sunflower and reduction of energy costs has been considered. They can be reached due to use for separation of seeds of the lower zone of the ring channel, and directly separation will be performed by "splitting" of a movement trajectory of sunflower seeds.


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How to Cite
Kolodly А., Kyurchev, S. and Melnik, K. (2020) “Results of the study forms and nutritious options, switchgear pnevmohravitatsiynoho sunflower seeds Separator”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(6), pp. 52-57. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Processing and storage of agricultural products