Relative motion of the corpuscle along the rectilinear vane on the centrifugal means

  • Chepyzhniy A. V. Сумський національний аграрний університет, м. Суми
  • Pylypaka S. F. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, м. Київ
  • Nesvidomin А. V. Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, м. Київ
Keywords: vector, acceleration, force, trajectory equation, blade, friction material particle, a disc, a centrifugal machine


The theory of complex motion of a point is a clear and complete form given in all textbooks on theoretical mechanics. It is based on the fact that the movement point studied simultaneously with respect to two coordinate systems. One of them (main) taken as fixed, and the other carries against the immovable relative movement of a given law. In turn, in the moving frame carries the relative motion of a point. The sum of these movements (relative and portable) is the absolute motion of a point in relation to the basic coordinate system. As portable and relative movements dependencies defined as a function of time. There is also a natural way to setting motion of a point at which the speed and acceleration seen in projections to cover orty three-edge trajectory (Frenet formulas). However, the available literature, it wasn't succeeded to find useFrenet formulas as moving coordinate system, which provides the relative motion of a point. The development of the theory of complex motion of a point in the horizontal plane using Frenet formulas devoted to this article. Two methods of finding law of relative movement of a particle along a rectilinear shovel on the centrifugal device have been shown in article. Problems have been solved with the help of the two coordinate systems - movable and immovable. At the same time moving coordinate system can take cover three-edge trajectory portable motion. In this case it is very simple absolute acceleration vector projections on orty three-edge using formulas Freinet. In article two ways have bensolved a task on finding of kinematic parameters of the relative movement of a particle along the rectilinear radially fixed shovels of the centrifugal. device which the horizontal disk rotating around a vertical axis.


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How to Cite
Chepyzhniy, A., Pylypaka, S. and NesvidominА. (2020) “Relative motion of the corpuscle along the rectilinear vane on the centrifugal means”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(6), pp. 68-73. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Construction and theory of agricultural machines