Analysis of the microclimate’s influence in industrial greenhouses to working personnel

  • Savchenko L G
  • Savchenko V M
Keywords: production personnel of industrial greenhouses, microclimate, working conditions, harmful production factors


The work in industrial greenhouses differs from other branches in the specifics of technological processes and is characterized by the influence on the production personnel of the complex of a number of adverse factors: high humidity, intense solar radiation and high air temperatures, air pollution of the working zone by harmful chemicals, contamination of surfaces and air with bacterial microflora and eggs helminths, physical loads when performing technological operations and moving loads manually, etc. long-term standing work. The abovestated stipulates the necessity of constant analysis of the influence of the microclimate in the production premises and the state of health of the production personnel. In the article complex hygienic researches of working conditions of production personnel of industrial greenhouses were conducted, the degree of harmfulness and danger of unfavorable factors of the working environment was assessed, the complex hygienic estimation of microclimate influence was assessed, the health condition of vegetable growers was studied according to the data of periodical medical examinations. The general hygienic estimation of working conditions of industrial greenhouses staff taking into account the influence of the complex of harmful factors of the working environment and the labor process during the annual work cycle corresponds to the harmful working conditions of the 3rd degree (class 3.3). According to periodic medical examinations, workers have been diagnosed with a disease in which germs can play an important role in unfavorable microclimate parameters. The conducted researches prove the necessity of development and introduction of preventive measures, for improvement of working conditions. The prospect of further research is the hygienic estimation of microclimate parameters in the warm and cold seasons, the assessment of the effect of the condition of the internal air environment on production personnel in greenhouses, occupational studies of labor activity, a general assessment of working conditions and the assessment of the occupational risk of the industrial staff of industrial greenhouses.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, L. and Savchenko, V. (2020) “Analysis of the microclimate’s influence in industrial greenhouses to working personnel”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(10), pp. 122-129. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Quality, standardization, safety, environmentalism and ergonomics of machines and technologies