Prospects for the use of automobile chassis in agricultural production

  • Adamchuk V. V. Національний науковий центр «Інститут механізації та електрифікації сільського господарства»
  • Pogorely S. P. Національний науковий центр «Інститут механізації та електрифікації сільського господарства»
Keywords: avtomobylnoe chassis, эnerhetycheskoe funds, unit, technolpgy, rabochaya velocity, traction usylye, udobrenyya


Proved promising uses of chassis as a mobile energy means for forming its base of mobile agricultural units to perform manufacturing operations in agricultural production. Analyzes structural and operational characteristics of automotive chassis domestic production of PАО "AvtoKrAZ" KrAZ-6322. Confirmed the effectiveness of mobile agricultural unit on the basis of KrAZ-6322 and machine MRD-9A on making solid fertilizer for direct-flow process scheme.


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How to Cite
Adamchuk, V. and Pogorely, S. (2020) “Prospects for the use of automobile chassis in agricultural production”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(5), pp. 108-112. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Efficiency of application of machinery in agriculture