Matching tractor traction capabilities and working resistance tillers

  • Melnik V. I. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства им. П. Василенко, г. Харьков
  • Chygryna S. A. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства им. П. Василенко, г. Харьков
Keywords: tractor units, tillage equipment, traction, traction cardinality-ness, conservation tillage, the resistance of working bodies


Traction resistance of working bodies of tillage machines isn't constant and has casual character. It depends on a set of factors, basic of which – structural composition of the soil, its humidity, a contamination, soil fertility fields, his relief and other. Follows from a determination technique of the productivity unit that the last is proportional to the work of the unit capture width on working speed, and the work – to the traction power which is developed by the tractor. As functional dependence between traction effort of the tractor and its working speed has an extremum, therefore, it is possible to claim that the maximum productivity is answered by only such unit which provides loading of the tractor at the level of a traction power maximum. It is possible to reach such condition if to use the offered soil-cultivating flat unit which has a technical capability of smooth regulation of width capture. Such regulation is carried out due to change of extent of overlapping between passes of the next working bodies. To establish dependences between extent of overlapping and traction resistance working bodies have been developed the special research soil-cultivating tool. In his design technical capability of resistance measurement traction of working bodies is put. Couple of tensometric links are for this purpose involved. In the course of the field researches proportional dependence between the general width of capture of the soil-cultivating flat tool and its traction resistance has been established. The possibility of coordination draft of the tractor and working resistance of the soil-cultivating tool by change of overlapping extent of the working bodies which have been located on side sections of the soil-cultivating flat tool has been confirmed. The offered option of an aggregation of the soil-cultivating flat tool with the tractor provides achievement of a maximum productivity of the unit taking into account specifics of conditions which in reality are available on the concrete field.


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How to Cite
Melnik, V. and Chygryna , S. (2020) “Matching tractor traction capabilities and working resistance tillers”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(6), pp. 113-118. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Efficiency of application of machinery in agriculture