The use of infographics for training and protection of population in emergency situations of technogenic and social nature

  • Makogon H. A. Факультет військової підготовки Національного технічного університету «ХПІ», м. Харків
  • Cherepnev I. A. арківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П. Василенка, м. Харків,
  • Sologub О. М. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П. Василенка, м. Харків
Keywords: informing the public, transport security, information code, infographics, life safety, visualization, is an emergency


Special relevance in modern conditions has been acquired by questions of counteraction terrorist and to acts of sabotage. In article need of development of information influence effective methods on the person for the purpose of prevention and decrease in risk of emergency situations on transport and formation of culture of health and safety in the population has been analyzed. Questions of influence on sense organs of the person have been considered from the point of view of the theory of information. The main components which influence efficiency of the information message and ways of effective submission of information for the purpose of increase in transport safety in modern conditions have been allocated. The standard means of informing the population as television or technical systems which are constructed on the principle of use of the maximum quantity of codes give the chance to influence at the same time several sense organs of the person both to increase speed and to increase efficiency of information transfer signal. Their shortcoming consists in the high cost of development and technical support and updating of content. Therefore their use not always is justified, for example, for informing few target audience. Dependence between the average duration of perception of the information message and ability of the person to storing has been established. It shows that there is a problem between the most effective duration of information perception and its volume. Insufficiency available to perception by different people of codes has been expressed that the information message has at the same time no all necessary indicators of efficiency. The above-stated problems are offered to be solved with the help of submission information in the form of infographics. It will allow uniting elements of the information message in only for perception by a brain the coded symbol. Professionally competent and creative use of potential of infographics will give an opportunity to increase efficiency of information influence on the person for the sake of prevention and decrease in risk of emergence of emergency situations on transport. Also, formation of culture of health and safety in general will raise. Submission of information by means of tools of infographics addresses the informative, but also emotional sphere of human perception of the world. The present stage of development of information technologies allows to use a set of services on the Internet for creation of infographics.


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How to Cite
Makogon, H., Cherepnev, I. and SologubО. (2020) “The use of infographics for training and protection of population in emergency situations of technogenic and social nature”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(6), pp. 137-143. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
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