A method of increasing the efficiency of the process dust-laden airflow, the cyclone dust collection systems grain separators
In work results experimental investigations developed by the cyclone. For that, the following factors were investigated: the airflow rate, the distance between the discs, inclination angle of the swirled vanes, the width of the opening shutters, the rotor of the motor speed and the size of the dispersed phase particles. As a result, which the ranges of variation were obtained. From the review designs and ways to increase the efficiency of cleaning the air flow of existing devices that the most promising ways of increasing the effectiveness of the suction system is a to combine devices various operating principle. The authors proposed a continuous-flow cyclone design with an active rotor on which the lobate swirl. It is designed to impart dust particulate matter trajectory outlet them through the shutters from the machine working area. The remaining dispersed particles in the dust-laden air flow using disk secondary cleaner and discharged through the shutters. The purified air stream between the disks and drain hole inside the disc passes to the outlet nozzle. Implementation perspective method of combining various devices operating principle was to create a multi-disc secondary cleaner cyclone. The design includes exposure the forces of inertia and gravity on the dispersed particles. Designed cyclone for cleaning dust-laden air flow from the dust particles and impurities. Set on the second stage of tertiary treatment louvered inertial separator. Thus, the developed cyclone has two degrees of purification. The first, by the action of the swirl vane separated heavy and large particles of impurities, and the second, by the action of multilevel disc air flow is finish cleaned of finely dispersed phase. The cleaning efficiency of dust-laden air flow depends on the size of the dispersed phase particles. For experimental investigations used large and highly dispersed phase. In research were obtained depending the developed cyclone purification factor of the studied factors. As a result, the cyclone which developed showed a high purification factor of η = 75 - 95%.