Improvement of technological properties of mounted agricultural unit

  • Bragіnets N. V. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка (м. Харків, Україна)
  • Poliakov B. A. Луганський національний аграрний університет (м. Старобільськ, Україна)
  • Fesenko G. V. Луганський національний аграрний університет (м. Старобільськ, Україна)
  • Poliakov O. N. Луганський національний аграрний університет (м. Старобільськ, Україна)
Keywords: aggregate, properties, manoeuvrability, stability ofmotion, dirigibility, tractor, instrument, hinge-plate, efficiency


As a result of the analysis of structural and technological indicators of agricultural aggregates on the basis of serial tractors and implements, their instability is insufficient during maneuvering movements, which reduces the performance of their various technological operations, especially at inter-row tillage of soil with mounted aggregates. The reason for this, as it turned out, is that the upper and lower traction bearings attached to the tractor's shaft perceive violations of the straightness of its movement and transmit them to the mounted unit. As a result, the mounted unit changes its position in the horizontal plane relative to the given one, reducing stability of the unit movement. In addition, longitudinal oscillating movements of the tractor, which arise when working on a field with an uneven relief, are transmitted to the mounted unit causing its deviation in the upward direction, which also reduces the stability of the movement of such an aggregate. When installing the front hinges, the tines on the shaft of the tractor wheels are adjusted so that the horizontal axis their symmetries were interconnected, the transmission of the longitudinal oscillating movements of the tractor to the mounted is suspended. With it, the location of the anchorages of the front hinges outside the axis of symmetry of the shaft with the housing at the violation of the straightforward motion of the tractor causes the displacement of the mounted unit from the specified direction, which worsens the stability of the agricultural unit, and therefore its performance indicators. Increasing the stability of the agricultural unit is possible, provided the rigid connection of each front end of the traction couplings with the additional supporting arm, attached by moving its thorns to the hinge on the shaft of the wheels of the tractor with the location of the axis of symmetry of the spikes in one plane with the axis of symmetry of the shaft with the casing. Proceeding from this, an improved agricultural unit with improved maneuvering properties has been proposed, namely, with increased stability of motion due to optimization of the conditions of attachment of the mounted unit to the tractor.


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How to Cite
BragіnetsN., Poliakov, B., Fesenko, G. and Poliakov, O. (2020) “Improvement of technological properties of mounted agricultural unit”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(11), pp. 103-108. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Efficiency of application of machinery in agriculture