Investigation of the influence differentiation of processes pneumatic conveying of scutching wastes on the quality of short flax fiber

  • Palіychuk V. K. Житомирський національний агроекологічний університет (м. Житомир, Україна)
  • Kulykivskyi V. L. Житомирський національний агроекологічний університет (м. Житомир, Україна)
  • Borovskyi V. M. Житомирський національний агроекологічний університет (м. Житомир, Україна)
Keywords: aggregate, scutching wastes, process differentiation, processing intensification, short flax fiber, awn, pneumatic conveying, section, quality


Currently the main reason for limiting the expansion of the use of short flax fiber is its poor quality due to the significant content of awns and trash. As a result of the research, it was established that mixing the waste received after the crumpling machine with the waste of the first and second breaking units of the two-section crumple-scutching aggregate and the third breaking unit of the four-section crumple-scutching aggregate increases the loading density of the first shaking and drying machine of tow preparing aggregate, as a result, conditions deteriorate selection of bulk awns and drying. As a result an obstruction of more clean wastes is the first, second scutching sections of two-section and three-section scutching sections of the four-section crumple-scutching aggregate, with maintenance of awns 35...69 % and the wastes of crumpling machine, containing 268...280 % awns. Reducing the cost of obtaining a fibrous product due to the exclusion of operations of drying raw materials before mechanical processing, as well as reducing energy consumption and material intensity of process equipment due to the reduction of certain operations of the process, reducing the intensity of processing, as well as the use of more efficient types of impacts.The article focuses on a differentiated approach to the removal of wastes. An energy-saving method of reducing the content of awns in scutching wastes is proposed by delineating the place of their pneumatic transport from the crumple-scutching aggregate to the short fiber processing line. Improving the processing of flax fiber by differentiating the pneumatic conveying of scutching wastes from the crumple-scutching aggregate, according to the content of awns, into different sections of the tow preparing aggregate, improves the quality of short fiber. After applying the proposed schemes of pneumatic conveying of scutching wastes, there is a decrease in the content of awns in a short flax fiber by 6...10 % and its quality is increased by 1...2 numbers.


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How to Cite
PalіychukV., Kulykivskyi, V. and Borovskyi, V. (2020) “Investigation of the influence differentiation of processes pneumatic conveying of scutching wastes on the quality of short flax fiber”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(11), pp. 114-119. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Quality, standardization, safety, environmentalism and ergonomics of machines and technologies