Kinematic discrepancy uneven loads and dynamic twin wheels tractor

  • Melnik V. I. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П. Василенка
  • Dovzhyk M. Ja. Сумський національний аграрний університет
  • Tatyanchenko B. Ja. Сумський національний аграрний університет
  • Solarev O. O. Сумський національний аграрний університет
Keywords: tension, compression, reaction, kinematic mismatch


The article presents the results of theoretical research kinematic and dynamic inconsistency uneven load coupled wheels, their impact on the response from the loss of soil and tractor power. Wheeled tractors virtually most of the working time moving on a curved trajectory with variable radius of curvature. The conditions of rolling wheels are much worse, and their pressure on the soil becomes more evenly distributed between the wheels than during rectilinear motion, and increases, especially from external wheels. Also increasing discrepancy kinematic and dynamic uneven load on the wheel. Known methods improve wheeled tractors pursue, as a rule, increased traction and grip characteristics. Used in practice and are not desirable in terms of soil compaction methods as installing additional weights on discs wheels or tires filling liquid chamber driving wheels with a large internal volume. In order to reduce the negative impact of non-kinematic transmission wheel machines used disconnecting one of the driving axles. The machine is driven mono and loses some capacity. As you know, the use of a pair of wheels improves traction and grip of the tractor, reducing pressure on the soil and soil compaction, which positively affects the growth and development of plants. Dual wheels have a larger contact area, thereby increasing friction with less specific pressure and improved driving performance tractor, increasing traction and grip, stability and permeability, almost completely eliminated onboard vibrations. In the case of a pair of wheels with different tire pressure is a difference in the geometrical parameters, most of which are free radius of wheel. This causes mismatch rolling kinematic and dynamic uneven load, which is different values of specific pressure. The uneven distribution of the load on the axle between the tires of axles must influence the redistribution of stress in soil compared with uniform load distribution. Considering the case of rectilinear motion tractor on a horizontal surface. We have a system of parallel forces, for which you can record only two static equilibrium equations in the four unknown reactions. Problem two statically indeterminate. To solve it by force must pass two equations of compatibility of strains. Using a pair of wheels leads to increase traction and coupling properties of tractor, reducing pressure on the soil and fuel consumption. But different dynamic wheel radii emerging phenomena such as slipping and skidding. These processes directly leading to an uneven distribution of reaction wheels, and additional power losses.


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How to Cite
Melnik, V., Dovzhyk, M., Tatyanchenko, B. and Solarev, O. (2020) “Kinematic discrepancy uneven loads and dynamic twin wheels tractor”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(3), pp. 90-95. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
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