Analysis and grouping of the action of adaptogens of plant origin to promote the work of operators of complex technical systems
The article examines the recent trend in the world of intellectualization of production and an increase in the number of workers engaged mainly in mental work. Based on the data from literary sources, a classification of various types of mental labor is given. Shows the difference between the concepts of "operator", as a professional name of the job and "work, which has the character of an operator."
On the example of aviation, the tendency of the operator's capabilities lagging behind the accelerated development of modern technology is illustrated. The evolution of the concepts of "human reliability" and "human factor" is considered, as well as various options for classifying errors of a human operator of complex technical systems. For detailed consideration, a group of errors made by the operator unintentionally has been selected.
The article notes a particular threat from errors in shift work, especially at night. Based on the analysis of scientific publications spaced by more than 70 years, the distribution of the number of accidents and operator errors during the working day was obtained. The influence of work experience (both positive and negative) on the quality of performance of official duties by operators of various profiles is shown.
The analysis of scientific sources made it possible to single out from the list of factors that provoke operators to commit erroneous actions, taking into account the breadth of distribution, such as: chronic exposure to electromagnetic radiation and the effect of professional psycho-emotional burnout. To counter these factors, a method is proposed to counteract the above negative impact. Taking into account the optimal combination of efficiency and minimization of negative side effects, it is proposed to use adaptogens of plant origin.
Using the results of experiments obtained as a result of the analysis of scientific publications, regression models were built that allow predicting the operator's endurance in extreme conditions. In the article, a cluster analysis was carried out, which made it possible to group adaptogens based on the commonality of changes in the organisms of laboratory animals that occur under the influence of external influences. According to the results of grouping, adaptogens that fall into one cluster have an equivalent effect on the organism of experimental animals. The results of this grouping, together with the obtained regression models, can be used to select plant adaptogens that most contribute to improving the efficiency of operators and have the least negative consequences for their health.