Reduction of energy of manufacture of animal production at the conditions of energy reduction on corruption

  • Boltyanska N. I. Таврійський державний агротехнологічний університет, м. Мелітополь
Keywords: livestock production, production, resource conservation, energy consumption, feed preparation, green mass


In the article outlines the ways of reducing the energy intensity of livestock production, in particular, it is determined that the main way of reducing the energy intensity of livestock production is to minimize the total energy consumption based on the use of advanced technologies. The structure of total energy content of cows keeping in traditional and complex mechanized farms is presented, on the basis of it it is proved that improvement of the traditional milk production technology by means of using energy saving reserves makes it possible to reduce its specific energy intensity and this allows to increase the bioenergy coefficient of milk. The structure of specific energy expenditures for milk production is presented, which shows that in the total energy balance of milk production, indirect energy expenditure is seven times higher than direct energy. The energy efficiency of the transformation of feed into products is determined, which is determined by the ratio of the energy of the final product and the total energy intensity of feed production in dairy cattle breeding and pig breeding. In total energy consumption of milk production, the share of feed accounts for more than half of all costs – this is one of the areas that ensure a reduction in the energy intensity of livestock production and, as one of the components, by reducing the energy used for feed production. It is noted that serious fuel savings can be achieved through the combination of trussing and application in the drying process of exhaust heat to the drying agent, since almost three quarters of the thermal energy is emitted from the heat carrier. A closed loop of air passing with a heat carrier for preliminary drying of green mass significantly reduces energy costs. The structure of the total energy consumption for feed production from one thousand tons of green mass and the structure of energy consumption for the harvesting of spreading hay is given. The recommendations for reducing the energy intensity of livestock production are given due to the reduction of energy used for feed preparation.


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How to Cite
Boltyanska, N. (2020) “Reduction of energy of manufacture of animal production at the conditions of energy reduction on corruption”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(9), pp. 57-61. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Engineering and technologies in livestock