The influence of changes in vertical acceleration of trook-traction applianceson soil consolidation during field operations

  • Artiomov N. P. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П.Василенка
Keywords: vertical acceleration, seals, mechanical loads, dynamics


The article deals with the influence of vertical accelerations on soil consolidation as a process of change in soil composition under the influence of great mechanical loads namely under the impact of heavy farm machines. A calculation experimental method of determining and mechanical tension from the wheel has been proposed taking into account the soil properties and the value of the vertical acceleration components. The use of powerful high-energy tractors of foreign production in Ukraine’s agriculture makes it necessary to solve these problems, which is especially relevant in market economy. The main object of this research is to investigate the pressure change in the fertile layer and to devise recommendations for the reduction of soil consolidation resulting from intensive vertical accelerations during the movement of a field machine. The desire to enhance the tractors multipurposiness to enable them to work with the chain of farm machines designed for neighbouring drawbar-pull categories leads to an active need to access their drawbar-pull efficiency parameters and influence on the soil during fests and in operation. The humidity of the soil at the moment of the machines influence is the most important factor determining the consolidation extent under the same working load. The deformation depth is determined by all those factors, as well as by the single mass of machines, by the pressure on the axis and the strain at the depth under the cultivated soil layer.


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How to Cite
Artiomov, N. (2020) “The influence of changes in vertical acceleration of trook-traction applianceson soil consolidation during field operations”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(8), pp. 90-95. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Efficiency of application of machinery in agriculture