Multi-disc mineral fertilizer spreader with dispensing-spreading modules

  • Melnyk V. I. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П. Василенка, м. Харків
  • Kaliuzhniy O. D. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П. Василенка
  • Ridniy R. V. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П. Василенка
  • Romanashenko O. A. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства ім. П. Василенка
Keywords: mineral fertilizers, centrifugal spreading, uniformity of sieving, dosage-spreading module


The large unevenness of fertilizer sifting by centrifugal spreaders is due to two reasons. Firstly, this is a manifestation of the technical features of spreading fertilizers by a centrifugal organ. Secondly, this is the effect of the physico-mechanical properties of bulk fertilizers. It is established that the centrifugal disc spreaders of loose mineral fertilizers have a natural uneven distribution of fertilizers over the field surface, which is greatly enhanced by the segregation of fertilizer particles at the stage of their flight To improve the quality of distribution can be due to a significant reduction in the spread of fertilizers by each individual disk, reducing its diameter and rotation speed. In order to improve the quality of fertilizer sifting, a multi-disc device for screening mineral fertilizers over the field surface is proposed. Reducing the rotational speed and diameter of the disc will reduce the width of the spreading of fertilizers, which will significantly reduce the distance to which fertilizers are scattered, virtually eliminating the negative effect of segregation, while increasing the uniformity of fertilizer distribution and the efficiency of their use. The proposed device is implemented in the form of independent, functionally independent modules. Such a design allows not to limit their number and the place of fastening on the frame, and the width of the gripper of the unit will be regulated only by the rigidity of the frame. The distance between the modules on the frame, depending on the application rate and the type of fertilizer, can be changed, and the amount of overlapping fertilizer spreading areas should be ensured by setting a certain height of the aggregate above the field level by hitching the tractor.


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How to Cite
Melnyk , V., Kaliuzhniy, O., Ridniy, R. and Romanashenko, O. (2020) “Multi-disc mineral fertilizer spreader with dispensing-spreading modules”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(9), pp. 96-99. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Construction and theory of agricultural machines