Dosing and feeding Unit of Liquid Chemicals Spreading Assembly

  • Mеlnik V. I. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка
  • Kaliuzhniy А. D. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка
  • Ridnyi R. V. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка
Keywords: a dosing and feeding unit, liquid chemicals, gravity dispensing, an individual device, an eaerosol mixture


The paper refers to the innovations in the field of agricultural engineering, in particular to a modular construction of devices for spreading liquid chemicals, which are mainly used in crop production. Currently, when the production of domestic livestock organic fertilizers sharply decreased, a rational use of mineral fertilizers and device for their application remains important. The work proves the possibility, and the results of laboratory studies of gravity feeding and dosing of chemicals during their application. A design of a dosing-feeding unit foe a liquid chemicals spreading assembly has been made, the constructive perfection of which is obtained through the use of individual elements, namely gravity dispensing, the creation of aerosol mixture and depositing it on the object you are spraying. In the housing of each metering feed module installed motor, the shaft of which is fixed spray plate and a fan. The casing includes a confuser, a diffuser and a vortex chamber which ends in a nozzle. A dosing reservoir is attached to each unit with the possibility of changing the height of billing and supply hose. A full functional independence is provided in the modular device that enables making up an assemblywith any quantity of them. Positive effect of the proposed constructive solutions and the reliability of a unit is provided by a considerable simplification of the construction in which the gravitational dosing and feeding is carried out without the use of the drive. An individual fan and multi-stage drop grinding provides a proper degree of aerosol and increases the reliability of dosing and feeding unit.


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How to Cite
MеlnikV., KaliuzhniyА. and Ridnyi, R. (2020) “Dosing and feeding Unit of Liquid Chemicals Spreading Assembly”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(7), pp. 76-79. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Construction and theory of agricultural machines