The materials of the "round table": "Agro biological substantiation of efficiency mixed crops"

  • Melnik V. I. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства им. П. Василенко
  • Pastukhov V. I. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства им. П. Василенко
  • Vitanov А. D. Институт овощеводства и бахчеводства НААН Украины
  • Pisarenko V. N. Полтавская государственная аграрная академия
  • Gnoevoj I. V. Харьковская государственная зооветеринарная академия
  • Zhmurko V. V. Харьковский национальный университет им. В.Н. Каразина
  • Solovej V. B. Национальный научный центр «Институт почвоведения и агрохимии им. А.Н. Соколовского» НААН Украины
  • Bakum N. V. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства им. П. Василенко
  • Luk’janenko V. М. Харьковский национальный технический университет сельского хозяйства им. П. Василенко
Keywords: forecast, mixed crops, species interactions, corn, soybeans, potatoes, vegetables, planting, caring for crops, harvesting, silage feeding


Backlog in the agrarian sector of Ukraine, in particular, caused by limitation of logistical and financial resources, which are available for specialized training, research and design institutions. Solve the backlog problem so it can be if the focus on the technical and technological future. Implementation of the strategy requires advance prediction of all aspects the development agricultural sector for decades to come. It may be argued that following the Strip-Till farming system will Mix-Cropp, based on extensive use of mixed crops, and in the longer term — farming system Rot-Mix, based on the use of crop rotation between the mixed crops. Implementation of the strategy advancing is possible if has such technical and technological directions that satisfies the conditions of prolonged relevance, i.e. those in which the decision industrialists are interested now, but that will be needed in the future to fully. By this conditions are satisfied the need for technical and technological support of joint cultivation of corn and soybeans on a "row in a row." In particular, this applies to the sowing machines. Actual stays subtask matching pairs together varieties. Moreover, for each zone must be matched pair of early maturing, mid and late varieties. One of the subtasks satisfying condition prolonged relevance is the coordination rate of growth crops grown together. Work on improving potato production technologies under the mulch layer of straw can and should serve as a driving force for the implementation of strip technology in crop production. Successful realization strategy of advancing through development technical and technological maintenance system of agriculture Mix-Cropp requires coordination of actions researchers, engineers, factory workers and economic executives. Only in this case the limited resources that we have now will be sufficient for ensuring technological breakthrough in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Melnik, V., Pastukhov, V., VitanovА., Pisarenko, V., Gnoevoj, I., Zhmurko, V., Solovej, V., Bakum, N. and Luk’janenko, V. (2020) “The materials of the "round table": "Agro biological substantiation of efficiency mixed crops"”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (2(4), pp. 29-45. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Intensive and environmentally saving crop growing technologies