Analytical definition of geometrical parameters the working part of the beet slicing knives

  • Liulka O. N. Національний університет харчових технологій (м. Київ, Україна)
  • Nikoljsjkyj M. L. Національний університет харчових технологій (м. Київ, Україна)
  • Fabrychnikova I. A. Харківський національний технічний університет сільського господарства імені Петра Василенка (м. Харків, Україна)
Keywords: cutting, beet slicing knife, cutting edge, angle of sharpening, geometrical p arameters, working part of the knife, knife feather, vegetable cutter


The article proves the advantages in using milled knives of königsfeld (zigzag) type. The most famous domestic and foreign manufacturers of the cutting equipment of the sugar-beet industry are named. Describes the current trends in the use of cutting equipment in the sugar-beet industry and in catering. The types and main technical characteristics of knives are described. The characteristics of the operations of the restoration of the working part of the Königsfeld type knives are given The projections of the working part of the knife of the Königsfeld type with the definition of all the main components, giving a volumetric idea of its properties, are presented. Analytical dependences are given, allowing to determine: the geometrical parameters of the lateral cutting edge and its projections after facing, thinning and short sharpening; all geometrical dimensions and area of the parallelogram of the cutting chamfer, formed by short sharpening the knife pen; the angle of thinning of the thickness of the pen with a long sharpening; angle between adjacent cutting edges. An equation is proposed for determining the total area of cutting edges of a feather of the Koenigsfeld type knife. The interaction of the object being cut and the zigzag edge of a Koenigsfeld type knife leads to the separation of cossettes, maintaining contact between the cossettes and the object during the entire cutting process. The degree of slice deformation depends on the shape and size of the contact surfaces (the inner surface of the blade), for which the analytical dependencies are given in the article. The value of the presented research results lies in the possibility of their practical application for: determining the total resistance and specific cutting work; calculating the power component of the beet slicer, which is spent on chopping beet- root; calculating the amount of consumables for the local strengthening of the working part of the beet knife.


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How to Cite
Liulka, O., Nikoljsjkyj, M. and Fabrychnikova, I. (2020) “Analytical definition of geometrical parameters the working part of the beet slicing knives”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(11), pp. 89-96. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Construction and theory of agricultural machines