Researching of possibility an application of computer modeling in the process of optimization construction solutions by designing the grain-purification machines

  • Samchuk Y. Y. Житомирський національний агроекологічний університет? м. Житомир,
  • Stelmah V. N. Житомирський національний агроекологічний університет, м. Житомір
  • Trosteniuk Y. I. Житомирський державний технологічний університет, м. Житомир
Keywords: air separator, computer modeling, 3D – mode, CAD, pneumatic separation channel


In the article presents the results of computer simulation of the air flow process in the aspiration chamber of an air separator, which construction is based on [11]. Computer simulation was done using «Solid Works» (Flow Simulation). According to it results, has been carried out an analysis of the machine work, revealed a number of shortcomings and brought corresponding changes in it’s design to improve the efficiency of the work. Computer simulation was carried out repeatedly in advanced 3D-model of the design of the air separator which demonstrates the greater efficiency it over the previous construction. The main criteria for evaluating efficiency of an air separator design during computer simulation were the speed of air flow in the separation zones, and also character of it’s movement. The data received during computer modeling will be the starting point for comparison and comparing them with results of real studies of the working machine parameters made in "metal". Based on these comparisons, it will be possible to formulate a final conclusion of the suitability of CAD "Solid Works" (Flow Simulation) for the development of air separators for cleaning the grain compound and modeling the working process that happens in it. The general view of machine design that consist of an aspiration chamber whose parameters are identical with the parameters of the investigated 3D – model is given in the article. Along with the computer simulation of the air flow movement, a mathematical modeling of the grains movement in the aspiration chamber of the air separator was also performed. The results of mathematical modeling prove the efficiency and performance of the machine.


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How to Cite
Samchuk, Y., Stelmah, V. and Trosteniuk, Y. (2020) “Researching of possibility an application of computer modeling in the process of optimization construction solutions by designing the grain-purification machines”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(9), pp. 71-78. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
Processing and storage of agricultural products