Results of experimental research of traction indicators MEZ-330 “Autotractor”

  • Adamchuk V. V. Національний науковий центр «Інститут механізації та електрифікації сільського господарства» НААН, м. Київ
  • Pogorely S. P. Національний науковий центр «Інститут механізації та електрифікації сільського господарства» НААН, м. Київ
  • Chernyak R. E. Приватне акціонерне товариство «АвтоКрАЗ», м. Кременчук
  • Dun S. V. Приватне акціонерне товариство «АвтоКрАЗ», м. Кременчук
Keywords: mobile power tool, autotractor, traction tests, traction effort, traction power, traction coefficient


The article presents the results of traction tests MEZ-330 “Autotractor”. It has been established that the traction effort, which can be created by the MEZ-330 “Autotractor”, at 15% of its wheels, varies from 40,0 to 54,7 kN when the tire pressure changes from 0,45 to 0,08 MPa. The latter makes it possible to increase the traction effort by 35,2%; traction power on the first transmission of the CP on 39%, on the second – on 36%, on the third – 48%; working speed is 2,8%, 1,4%, 8,2%; specific fuel consumption, respectively 25,5%, 25,4%, 29,1%. The obtained research results make it possible to conclude that the MEZ-330 "Autotractor" according to its traction parameters corresponds to the characteristics of tractors of traction class 5.


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How to Cite
Adamchuk, V., Pogorely, S., Chernyak, R. and Dun, S. (2020) “Results of experimental research of traction indicators MEZ-330 ‘Autotractor’”, Scientific journal «Engineering of nature management» , (1(9), pp. 100-104. Available at: (Accessed: 7February2025).
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